Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Song #10

--The supposed-to-be-2011-song-but-was-leaked-and-released-on-youtube-early song Castle Walls by TI and Christina Aguilera. This song is about people looking from the outside, thinking your happy, but inside, a volcano could be blowing up and no one could know. I'm happy. Or, do I just LOOK happy? Most of the time I am happy, but if I'm sad, it wouldn't last for long, and it's not easy to tell. I put a mask on, and no one can notice. It's like smiling and replying a 'hi' to someone you don't know. No one, ever, can tell what I'm really thinking. I might be nice to you, but that doesn't prove anything. I might always have a huge smile on my face and is always joking, but that doesn't mean it's what I feel inside, too. People shouldn't think I'm as childish and kiddy as I look, because trust me, I'm the total opposite.

Song #9

--Song number 9 is...*drumroll*...PARTY IN THE USA by MILEY CYRUS *crowd cheers*.
I chose this song because when I visit my cousins in America [California], I tend to miss Vietnam because my cousins are constantly fighting. But, my family eventually moves to another cousin's house [in Texas] and there, we relax in the swimming pool and sit there all day watching cartoons on [HUGE] flat screen TVs [there's one that's wall-sized]. "Nodding my head like yeah" says that you approve and like it, and that's what I do when my mom and I go shopping together [No, I'm not girly. I buy jeans and baggy/cartoon/cute looking shirts [not pink ones]]. Every time we go to America, I seem to want everything that catches my eye. Which is kind of wild which kind of relates to PARTY? Well, it's not one of my FAVORITE songs, but it does, somehow, relate to me.

Song #8

--RIP MICHAEL JACKSON--The 8th song I chose is Hold My Hand by Michael Jackson and Akon. This is, as I think, one of the most inspiring songs [EVER] because it's about sticking with each other no matter what and helping one another through hard times. I would always [unless I'm busy with family or school work] help my friends when they're in need. I usually make the situation worse and they kind of get annoyed, but that's just who I am :D. I try to make new friends and it's . fun when the person you thought was shy and quiet turns out to be funny and insane [K.Vy]. Even when people I hate get problems, I still feel sad for them, but I usually don't say it...

Song #7

--"King of Anything" is a song by Sara Bareilles and is my 7th song. In my long list of songs for the soundtrack of my life, this song is one of my favorites because it's upbeat and always fun to listen to BUT ALSO because it can relate to me. In my life, there's been many people that've ordered me around and think, for some weird reason, that they're cooler than me. Since 1st grade, there's always been a "popular" crowd, the outcasts, and the geeks. I've been in the outcasts since........1st grade... So, in every grade, there was also a "higher class" than me, and to them, I wasn't "worth it" and "un-cool" or "doesn't deserve my company". Through 1st and 4th grade, I put up with it. I would just try my best to hold it in until I get home and tell my mom all about it. But then, after that, I was tired. I didn't like being treated like crap [still don't...]. I didn't like being told what to do just because I'm "less cool". I didn't like it.
I ignored the rumors, the comments, the smirks, the giggles, the back-talk, the pointing. I let it go. I didn't care what THEY thought. As long as I like myself and my friends like me. THEY aren't my friends.

No point caring.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Song #6

--We R Who We R. No, that isn't wrong spelling, Ms. Patrice. That's the name of my 6th song! We R Who We R is by Ke$ha and it's about being who are while rocking the feeling and being proud. I chose this song because as people say, [even my parents do sometimes...don't even mention my brother...] I'm weird. While having a conversation on the topic of, let's say, teddy bears, then later on in the conversation, somehow, the topic will be changed to cheese...or Channing Tatum [yes, I like Channing Tatum :D. google him :))]. My randomness is unpredictable, but that doesn't make me weird...does it? Someone thanking someone else but I say "Your welcome" isn't weird...right? I'm doing my homework and I suddenly start to moonwalk. That's not weird...right? Am I RIGHT? NO? fine.

PS: Ms. Patrice, if your reading this, you should know I actually do those things. But it's actually supposed to be private. So, shhhhhhhhhh.
Oh wait, I posted it on the internet...TOO LATE! :D

PSS: Since I think I'm supposed to post the OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEOS on but if there isn't one I can post the lyrics one, I posted the OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO for this song. It's kind of.........
I recommend you NOT show it to kids under the age of...10............

Song #5

--From the CUTEST movie that could have ever been cute, "Despicable Me" is my choice for song number 5. This song was in the movie, Despicable Me, and I chose it because this song is either about being angry and taking your anger out on someone/something else or finally standing up and having their way [I'm not sure which]. Well I relate to being angry and taking my anger out on someone else. Sometimes, when I get a poor grade in school, I come home and for simple things, such as my brother asking a homework question, I yell [most of the time at him...]. I would take my anger on anyone that talks to me, but usually, my parents aren't home until I'm in bed [so they don't talk to me] and it's hard to yell at elderly [It's one of those Vietnamese/taken from Chinese things].

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Song #4

--Phineas and Ferb's "Summer Belongs to You" is my choice for song number 4. I chose this song because every summer of every year my family always finds some foreign place to go and it's always SUUUUPER fun. We get to spend quality time together, my brother gets to buy even MORE toys, I get new over-sized shirts, my dad gets new shoes...and mommy.........now that I think about it, usually doesn't buy anything...

Last summer [2010] we went to the U.S to renew the passport [and do paperwork stuff] and to visit family. The summer before that, we went to Thailand [and bought really cool, watery toy things]. And I think we went to America the summer before that, too. Or maybe it was the summer before that one...well I don't remember very well. Some of the memories I've had over the summers I'll remember forever. [and as you might've noticed, before the sentence I just wrote, I said I don't remember that well. So you understand how much I want to remember what I want and forget all that I don't]

Song #3

--Song number 3 is "Mama's Song" by Carrie Underwood. This song is for my mom for raising me. She stuck by me when I was lonely and I'm thankful for that. [She also stuck by me when everyone thought I was a boy because I was so chubby and short-haired...but that's another story] The lyrics, "You watched me grow up...know what's best for me..." is what my mom is always trying to do. She yells and gets mad at me because she knows what's best. Sometimes I'm mad at here, but will eventually realize that what she's said will be useful later on. She is always supporting me. She let's me be free and buys whatever I want. I loooooooooooove my mommy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Song #2

--The second song I chose was "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne and that song relates to me because everyone always expects too much of me, then, when I they figure I'm not as good as they thought, I get yelled. NOT fun. People think girls are always smarter and cuter and some people even think girls should be GIRLY. Yeah, well, I'm not. My mom has always let me be free. She's let me wear my brother's clothes and run around in my daddy's big shirt trying to be a gansta'. But sometimes, I can't get out of one of her "you should be girlier" talks and then she eventually convinces me to do something like...get earings...

The lyrics "All my life I've been good, but now. I'm thinking what the hell" explains how people want me to be something I'm not, and I'm tired of it. I'm FUN and WEIRD and am a TOMBOY. And proud of it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Song #1

--For my first song, I chose "Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum. I chose this song because throughout my life, I've had many fights with my friends. Later on, I start missing their company and eventually one of us apologize and we're okay, again. The lyrics "It's a quarter after one. I'm all alone and I need you now...said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now," relates to me because when we fight, my friends and I usually want the other to apologize, but one of us would apologize, sooner or later.